Legislative Updates


Strange Legislative Session Comes to a Messy Conclusion

Minnesota lawmakers have adjourned a very contentious and at times controversial legislative session after passing a slew of omnibus bills on the final weekend of legislative activity.


Final Week of 2024 Legislative Session

Lawmakers are attempting to wrap up their work for the 2024 legislative session this week, and must do so by 7:00 am on Monday morning.


Two Weeks Left - Full Supplemental Budget, Bonding, and Tax Bill Yet to Go

We’re in the final stages of the 2024 Legislative Session and there is much left to do.


2024 Legislative Session Thrown Into Chaos

With a one seat majority to rely on, any number of things can go wrong to make passage of bills tricky. Senate DFLers have had several unexpected situations to deal with this session.


Final Deadline Week - Omnibus Finance Bill Season

Lawmakers face the final deadline of the legislative calendar at the end of this week - the date by which omnibus finance bills, bills that spend money in the current biennium, must have made it out of committee and be lined up for final votes.


Lawmakers Return from Easter Break, Shift Focus to Budget Bills

Lawmakers have returned from their Easter break with a renewed focus on assembling omnibus budget bills that must pass out of committees by the third and final committee deadline of the session, April 19th.


EDAM and MAPCED Day at the Capitol, Joint Budget Targets Announced

EDAM and MAPCED Day at the Capitol took place last week with economic development professionals from across the state making their way to the Capitol to connect with lawmakers on issues of importance to both organizations.


Governor Walz Releases Supplemental Budget Recommendations

This week marks the first and second policy deadlines at the Capitol, when bills that do not spend money must have made their way through each committee with jurisdiction over the bills.


Deadline Week Approaches

The hectic pace of being a little over a week out from the combined first and second deadline, March 22, where bills must be acted upon favorably in both the House and Senate, can be felt.


Budget Update, Additional Surplus for Current Biennium

The headline from last week would be the release of the updated economic forecast. The news was cautiously optimistic in that the forecast was slightly better than expected in December.