Get Involved

What’s the best way to get involved and build my network within EDAM?
The first step is to become an EDAM member if you have not already joined! This allows you to experience the plethora of educational content, webinars (free to all members), resources, and networking opportunities offered through EDAM.

Next, if you are new to EDAM, we would recommend attending an Emerging Professionals event first to meet other individuals like you and make connections in a smaller group before attending one of our two annual conferences. This allows you the opportunity to network with peers and begin building relationships with fellow EDAM members.

From there, the sky’s the limit. We strongly encourage you to get more involved with EDAM! This could be as simple as attending the annual conferences, participating in networking opportunities or taking advantage of the free webinars. Or, it could mean joining a committee, seeking appointment as a committee chair or vice chair, and/or applying to be on the Board of Directors. Your level of involvement is up to you, so make it what you want.


How many committees are there and what do they do?

There are seven standing committees. Visit the Committees page for current committee chair and vice chair information.

  • Member Services – Focuses on membership retention and recruitment, enhancing the membership experience, and coordinating member recognition programs and events.
  • Government Relations – Monitors legislation during each session of the Minnesota Legislature, along with EDAM’s lobbyist team. The committee develops a legislative platform, based on member input, advocates for the platform issues at the legislature, and coordinates an Economic Development Day at the Capitol with industry partners.
  • Marketing and Communications – Effectively communicates EDAM’s mission, vision, and goals, both internally and externally, to promote economic development resources, opportunities, and success stories in Minnesota.
  • Conference – Plans the Summer and Winter Conferences that contribute to the EDAM mission of providing a forum for exchanging information, keeping up with economic development strategies and practice, and providing valuable networking and educational opportunities. With EDAM Board input and approval, the committee selects the topics and speakers, solicits sponsorships, and plans social events at conferences.
  • EDAM U – Provides educational opportunities for EDAM members and the economic development community.
  • Emerging Professionals – Plans activities, forges professional connections, and provides resources for emerging economic development professionals with a variety of backgrounds, typically with 10 or fewer years of experience in the profession.
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion – Champions the importance and value of a diverse and inclusive organization and provides recommendations and guidance towards creating and maintaining an inclusive and welcoming organization for everyone. The committee will address issues of diversity and inclusion head-on to build an organizational culture that works for all stakeholders—EDAM members, staff, committee members, the Board of Directors, and external partners.

Who appoints committee members?
Committee members, other than the committee chair and vice chair, are not appointed. Any EDAM members in good standing may volunteer and join any committee(s) they desire. Contact the committee chair to join or learn more about how you can be involved!
How long are the terms for committee members?
There are no set terms for committee members. Each individual may serve as long as they choose as long as they remain an EDAM member in good standing.

How do I become a committee chair/vice chair, how long is the term, and what are the responsibilities?
The President appoints the committee chair and vice chair of standing committees subject to approval of the Board. Each term is two years, though there are no limits on number of terms. Committee chairs are also expected to participate in bi-monthly meetings with other committee chairs and the Board of Directors to encourage collaboration and communication among the broader EDAM leadership team.

Committee chairs/vice chairs also play an active role in the following for their committee:

  • Leadership: The chair presides over meetings, provides guidance to committee members and other EDAM members regarding their committee’s activities, and represents the committee within the EDAM community. The vice chair collaborates closely with the chair and often takes on leadership responsibilities in their absence. The chair and vice chair are not solely responsible for performing the work associated with the committee’s activities; they are encouraged to delegate projects to other committee members as appropriate.
  • Committee Coordination: The chair and vice chair work together to plan and organize committee meetings, events, and activities. This includes setting agendas, scheduling, and ensuring that all tasks are completed.
  • Committee Engagement: The chair and vice chair help foster engagement among committee members. They may communicate with members, welcome new participants, and encourage their involvement in committee initiatives.

How many committee meetings are held each year, when and where are they held?
Depending upon the committee, they generally meet anywhere from 4-12 times a year. Typically, committee chairs will schedule meetings around their committee members’ availability. Almost all committee meetings are held virtually to allow members from around the state to participate.

What is the time commitment of a committee member, or a committee chair or vice chair?
Realistically, the time commitment for a committee member or even a chair or vice chair may range anywhere between an hour to a few hours per month. There may be some other tasks that arise throughout the year that could require more time per month, but it’s on a volunteer basis and not a requirement.


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