Member Spotlight: Sam Markman, Xcel Energy

Sam MarkmanDecember 13, 2022

Sam Markman is a Corporate Economic Development Manager at Xcel Energy. Contact Sam

How long have you been a member of EDAM? 4 years

What do you find valuable about belonging to EDAM? Networking! I really enjoy connecting with fellow economic development professionals across the state, I learn something new each event I attend.

What is something you are passionate about or a hobby you really enjoy? It is hard to narrow it down to just one hobby! But I've recently taken up woodworking/remodeling and really enjoy that as a creative outlet. We bought a 1960s rambler in 2020 and have enjoyed all the renovations fixing it up over the last 2 years.

Who inspires you or who would you consider to be your hero? Why? My mom, she's one of a kind! She's put up with me and all my shenanigans over the years. Now she is always the one standing right next to me cheering me on or giving me a cheers at whatever adventure we decide to take on together.

What was the best concert you've every attended? What's a bucket list concert for you?
Best concert? Jimmy Buffet outdoor at Wrigley Field. Fun fact, everyone wears a Hawaiian shirt and I swear no two are the same! Bucket list concert? Zac Brown Band and Chris Stapleton at Red Rocks.

Pop or soda? Hotdish or casserole? Duck, duck, gray duck or duck, duck, goose? Packers or Vikings? Crunchy or creamy? Sweet or salty?

Pop. Hotdish. Gray duck! Vikings. Crunchy. Salty. #TrueMinnesotan