Member Spotlight: Virginia Rutter, Clean Energy Economy Minnesota

Virginia RutterOctober 10, 2022

Virginia Rutter is Director, Engagement & Strategic Initiatives at Clean Energy Economy Minnesota. Contact Virginia

How long have you been a member of EDAM? 1 year

What do you find valuable about belonging to EDAM? I've been really enjoying getting to know the economic development community and learning - from the conference sessions and from the conversations with folks!

What is something you are passionate about or a hobby you really enjoy? I love to knit. It's a fun hobby where you end up with something tangible at the end, and it's easy to do while watching or listening to something else, like TV - you may see me working on a project at a conference! I've been knitting now for almost 20 years, but I think my yarn collection could outlive me...

What's the most recent book you read? Would you recommend it? I'm currently reading Peak Mind, about how to train your attention and focus amidst all the crazy distractions of our modern world. It's good and interesting. I found it through one of Brene Brown's podcasts, and I highly recommend listening to that as well.

What are you currently watching on Netflix or another streaming service? The Witcher - love Henry Cavill.

Pop or soda? Hotdish or casserole? Duck, duck, gray duck or duck, duck, goose? Packers or Vikings? Crunchy or creamy? Sweet or salty? Pop. Casserole. Duck duck gray duck. Vikings. Crunchy. Both!