Member Spotlight: Marie Pflipsen, Xcel Energy

Marie PflipsenJuly 19, 2022

Marie Pflipsen is a Corporate Economic Development Manager at Xcel Energy. Contact Marie

How long have you been a member of EDAM? 8 years

What do you find valuable about belonging to EDAM?
The professional connections and industry mentors are truly priceless! I know if I have a question, I have many professional colleagues I can call at any time.

What's something you're passionate about or a hobby you really enjoy?
I have a love for community events and volunteering! I have volunteered for multiple community festivals in my hometown since I was in elementary school. It's incredible to see how the community festivals can bring a community together.

What's your favorite place in the world? If different, where is your happy place?
Delphi, Greece. It's an incredible small town with rich history and beautiful views! My happy place is wherever I’m traveling to; I’m a travel addict!

What's the most recent book you read? Would you recommend it? Verity by Colleen Hoover. A bit suspenseful but it's a must-read!