Member Spotlight: Ruth Tucker, City of Blaine

Ruth TuckerAugust 22, 2023

Ruth Tucker is an Economic Development Specialist for the City of Blaine. Contact Ruth

How long have you been a member of EDAM? 2.5 years

What do you find valuable about belonging to EDAM?
The programming! The Emerging Professionals group and the mentorship program have been fantastic!

Share an interesting fact about yourself that few of your fellow EDAM members may know.
I thrive on spontaneity. It is not uncommon for me to decide to take a road trip with my dog to spend a weekend somewhere less than 24 hours in advance. I have driven as far as 12 hours straight west for a spontaneous 3 day weekend in the mountains with my dogs.

What's your favorite place in the world? If different, where if your happy place?
In the woods during peak fall color. No bugs!

Other than your current job, what would your dream job be?
I am very passionate about the planet and local native ecosystems so probably landscape architecture or restoration ecologist.

What's the most recent book you read? Would you recommend it?
Poverty, by America by Matthew Desmond. I do recommend this book! I also even more highly recommend Matthew Desmond's other book, Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City.

Pop or soda? Hotdish or casserole? Duck, duck, gray duck or duck, duck, goose? Packers or Vikings? Crunchy or creamy? Sweet or salty?
I grew up in Northeast Wisconsin very close to the UP border in an area I affectionately refer to as "Yooper Lite" so it's definitely soda, casserole, duck, duck, goose, and gosh I love the Packers, I'd do anything for the Packers. I like my snacks crunchy, sweet & salty.